Welcome to the Community of Ordinary Saints

Haere mai, we welcome you on this exciting journey as we discover together more about what it means to be Anglican and a follower of Jesus Christ in Aotearoa and our world today.

We are a community of Anglicans in their 20s and 30s in the Diocese of Auckland who embrace the contemplative and sacramental rhythms of faith in order to inform our way of being in the world.

We are guided by four touchstones: Community, Formation, Action, and Creativity.

Please note: ‘Adults in their 20s and 30s’ is an approximate age range. We value the richness of intergenerational engagement and wish to foster the potential for organic mentoring relationships within this community. If you’re in your late teens or moving beyond your 30s, we’d love to have you join us.

If you have any questions, please email The Reverend Sarah West (Chaplain to Young Adults)
Email: sarah.west@aucklandanglican.org.nz

Our Four Touchstones: Community & Formation



We seek to resource and empower adults in their 20s and 30s as full participants in the life of the Church and society. We are located within the Diocese of Auckland in the Anglican Church of Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia, in all of its theological and liturgical breadth. This community is committed to being a safe space for all, across the full diversity of the Anglican Church, including the rainbow community and whānau (parents or caregivers with children). This community is also open to those who are not connected to a local parish or those outside the Anglican tradition who would like to explore its kaupapa and rhythms.



We embrace the contemplative and sacramental rhythms of the Anglican tradition. We seek to provide space for community members to engage in honest, open, and respectful discussion, to explore diverse theological concepts, and to gain an understanding of Anglican liturgy, practice, and identity. We are committed to offering pastoral support and the opportunity to engage with mystery; the reality that faith does not mean having all the answers.

Our Four Touchstones: Action & Creativity



We believe that the outworking of our faith exists contextually and is informed by our faith formation. It is grounded in a wider understanding of God and God’s work in the world. We affirm the deep interconnectedness between contemplation and action, and encounter this in the life and ministry of Jesus Christ. We engage regularly in acts of social and ecological justice as a living out of the gospel.



We stand in a tradition that draws upon art, symbol, and song to shape and express our identity as the body of Christ in the world. We celebrate the use of the arts, poetry, crafts, and music as mediums for story-telling, prophetic witness, and worship.

We believe that the outworking of our faith exists contextually and is informed by our faith formation.

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