Synod Youth Reps 2024

On a sunny Saturday over Easter, Efest moved inside to hold our Youth Hui. Briefly we told our stories as youth communities. Then we wrestled with some questions around our worries, how we hoped the church could help, and what we dreamed the church would be in the future. Finally we voted for our representatives. We had four positions open, and we filled every one of them.

We ended up with a great blend of mentors and newcomers who got down to business very quickly. We reviewed the feedback from our young people and drew up 5 motions to take to synod. It was great to not only be passionate about what we brought to synod (we are every year) but also to know we were doing our best to honour the voices of the young people of the Diocese.

Each youth rep spoke to a motion, some spoke to a couple and all motions passed. It’s a pretty nerve-wracking thing speaking to a room of 300+ clergy, laypeople and the Bishop, and everyone did exceptionally well.

As the church faces increasing challenges, it is evermore important that the voices of our young people are heard, and that they can hear the heart of those ahead of them.

Our motions were

Land Stories – M: Ms Grace Cox, S: Rev Joel Carpenter

That this synod,

1. Affirms that the land we are guardians of has significant history to our church, to tangata whenua and to tangata tiriti.

2. Calls upon the Diocesan Council to:

a. establish a process for our Diocese to learn about the stories of our land, including establishing funding for this;

b. establish a database to enable transparent public access to these records; and

c. make an initial report to Synod for discussion in 2025.

Church Websites and Media – M: Ms Annalia Blundell, S: Miss Sophie Berry

That this synod,

a. acknowledges the work of the Digital Working Group from 2022 on how to increase a ministry unit’s online presence;

b. requests that all ministry units reacquaint themselves with that work and;

c. recommends the Working Group be re-established with expanded and renewable membership, to ensure its longevity and explore ways to support ministry units in increasing their online

presence and visibility.

Mental Health Awareness – M: Mr Evan Walters, S: Mr Nick Mercer

That this synod,

a. recognises the importance of understanding and increasing awareness around the issue of mental health;

b. asks the Ministry Formation Team to research training programmes associated with mental health and promote the best suited programmes for the ministries of the Diocese; and

c. encourages all ministry leaders, in all capacities, to increase their awareness and understanding of all aspects of mental health to better benefit all those in their ministries, especially young

young people.

Representation of Ministry Unit Governing Bodies – M: Ms Jessica Hughes, S: Ms Annalia Blundell

That this synod highly encourages ministry units to have at least one member of their governing body to be under the age of 40.

Youth Leaders – M: Mr Nic Mercer, S: Mrs Steph Brook

That this synod,

a. recognises the vital work that youth leaders do in ministry with our young people across the Diocese in ministry units and community ministry;

b. encourages ministry units to work together with the Diocesan Youth Facilitator to seek to increase youth ministries across the Diocese; and

c. encourages ministry units to work together with the Diocesan Youth Facilitator to enable funding to support youth ministry to happen more effectively and ensure well-trained, safe, caring

caring youth leaders are available for ministry.

And finally, during synod, Grace worked with Rev Richard Bonifant to introduce another motion under urgency regarding the Treaty Partnership Bill being introduced into Parliament at present. It read

That this synod

  1. Asks Bishop Ross to write to the Prime Minister expressing dismay at the Treaty Principles Bill and the disquiet and disruption the bill is generating throughout the motu.
  2. Encourages all parish vestries to inform their parishes of our history in relation to te Tiriti.
  3. Asks all parish vestries to petition their local member of parliament to oppose the Bill.

In addition there were conversations, as a result of other motions, around the way we structure our churches moving forward, that were hard, but worthwhile in enabling changes to happen that should bring about new life.

We also had a visit from the Auckland City Missioner, who spoke from the heart, of the challenges all support agencies are facing as a result of various government choices, she invited us to be part of the City Mission’s work getting the message to the government.

All motions were passed and a challenging couple of days came to an end. Changes won’t happen immediately, but over time, youth voices have contributed to gentle shifts and changes in both structural and relational ways that we walk together as parishes and the community of the Diocese of Auckland!

A huge thank you to all our Synod Youth Reps, and especially to Grace Cox and Nic Mercer as their time comes to an end.

In 2025 Youth Hui will be held on Saturday 19th April @ Willow Park Convention Centre, 1 Hostel Access Road, Eastern Beach (within Efest 18th – 21st April)