The Priory 2024 Intake – Apply now!

Young people are so amazing!

Working with young people in faith communities is a spectacular blend of chill, fun vibes and event management, and intentional, day by day nurture of relationship and spiritual input. It requires of us a unique blend of knowledge from youth development, theological and a good dollop of health and safety and ministry standards kicked in there for good measure.

Youth ministry done well has benefits to young people and the communities they bless for years, youth ministry done badly can have similar effects, inside and outside the church. Youth leaders be they volunteers, part timers or full timers need support, both within their communities and outside them.

The Priory is about setting our youth leaders up to win, offering knowledge from the youth development sector as well as opportunities for faith formation, youth work 101 and professional development. This two year course can be taken alongside full time study and work. Courses are delivered in two block courses and two weekends per year per year (one weekend being The Abbey) and will be held in various great spaces around the motu.

Our 2024 intake is open for applications, for your first port of call, contact Steph