Anglican Funding for Youth Ministry

There are two primary sources of Anglican funding for projects that are aimed at, or benefit, youth.

Simkin House Fund looks to fund grassroots ministry throughout the Diocese of Auckland, specifically events for youth.

The Hostel of the Holy Name Trust aims to support the development and nurturing of girls and women in the Diocese of Auckland.

Simkin House Fund

The Simkin House Fund is here to support Youth Ministry throughout the Diocese of Auckland. The Fund gives priority to the funding of camps, retreats, holiday programmes and youth events over the purchase of equipment.

The Fund was established in 1993 with the proceeds of the sale of Simkin House on Waiheke Island. The interest generated is split equitably between Anglican Youth Ministries (Diocese of Auckland) and Tai Tokerau Youth Council (Te Hui Amorangi ki te Tai Tokerau) and is used to fund grass/flax roots youth ministry.

Total funds for distribution are approximately $2,500.

If you have any questions after reading the application form, please contact the Diocesan Youth Facilitator on .

Applications must be submitted by 30 August.


Hostel of the Holy Name

The Hostel of the Holy Name Trust works specifically to the benefit of the lives of women associated together for the purpose of the work of the Anglican Church in Auckland, and for the benefit of girls and women generally. There are two criteria that the Trust must consider when considering applications for funding:

“The Trust is to be construed as applying specifically to the cultivation and deepening of the devotional life amongst women associated together for the purpose of work in the Church in the Diocese of Auckland and for the benefit of girls and women generally.”

“To benefit a wide range of girls and women in all parts of the Diocese of Auckland.”

Examples of projects eligible for funding include:

  • Retreats
  • Quiet Days
  • Workshops
  • Establishing devotional literature
  • Promoting ministry events for women

The closing date of the applications are the 31st of March and 30th of September by 5 pm. Email your applications to

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