Click the link below to check out our 2025 calendar
This is a full and complete calendar, so it holds Youth events – Purple, Youth leader opportunities (for communities of learning, events and connection ) – Aqua, National opportunities and events – Pink, Children, Youth and Families connection points, and finally, but importantly Lay leadership opportunities – Red
Youth Events – Purple
Throughout the year we are running combined events for youth groups to gather together, to worship, play sports and work out conundrums. This year we will be running our worship and sports events on Friday night and Sunday afternoon/evening to allow for those youth groups who may struggle to get to Friday night events due to other commitments. We are also looking outward with opportunities to fundraise for the Auckland City Mission in March, and purchase toys for those families who are struggling who ATWC connect with, in November.
Youth Leaders – Aqua – Leaders Connect & Leaders Connect The Hub
We have opportunities to connect in person and online this year, we have Efest leaders meetings in February, Leaders Retreat in July, Youth leaders Connect in September, The Abbey in August, and the Hubs throughout the year.
The Hub – 4 throughout the year, 1 each term –
Purpose: to offer opportunities for continual reflection on youthwork practice – This years subjects are… Youth 101, Youth protection, Starting a youth ministry, Finding and adapting resources. Steph & O’Love will be our leaders and we will be connecting with other leaders from throughout the Diocese over lunch and our starting reflection. Links for signing up through the year will be posted here and through our usual channels, ensure you sign up to the youth stream and these will be free of charge to youth leaders. The Hub is for Lay Leaders from throughout the Diocese in all sorts of fields, so its a great opportunity to meet other leaders over lunch and in our combined session. Then we divide out into our different topics.
There is also an opportunity to explore a silent retreat, in the middle of the year. This is not an entire day of silence, rather an exploration of what it’s all about, and then a testing of the waters journey. Another tool in our kite of caring for our personal faith, in the midst of giving out constantly through our ministries.
National events – Pink
Largely covers The Priory block course, and Steph being away a couple of times, and of course our highly anticipated trip to The Abbey in Waikanae each year, our national youth leaders gathering.
CYF – Red
Finally, some of you cover not only youth, but children and families, and while this is pretty unique, it’s great, to be connecting both with each other, and all those involved in children & families ministries, and in youth ministry as people leading significant lay ministries across our Diocese. So, there is an opportunity to connect in person and online throughout the year.
As is our custom, it’s time to gather as youth leaders. We will catch up, explore a bit more deeply what it means to gather well, as a running theme for us this year, and of course we’ll do some talking through of Efest. There are two opportunities to gather, in person at Neligan House on the 25th, and Online on zoom on the 26th.
I look forward to seeing you all, if you could take 2 minutes of your time to sign up, by clicking the link below, that would be amazing.
We are starting the year with the first of our combined worship services. We will be checking out the story of Zacchaeus the tax collector as our theme. We are going to gather on a Friday AND a Sunday this year, so choose the time and place that works for your young people.
Again, please sign up, so we have an idea on numbers, thanks so much.