Funding > Our Funders
We are immensely thankful to the organisations, trusts, foundations and individuals who provide grants and bequests to support ministry and mahi across the diocese, including the following:
Albert-Eden Quick Response Grant He Tukunga pūtea aronga wawe i Albert Eden
Maungakiekie-Tāmaki Local Grant He Tukunga pūtea ā-rohe i Maungakiekie-Tāmaki
Regional Historic Heritage Grant Te Tukunga pūtea ā-takiwā taonga tuku iho
Quick Response Grants
Hostel of the Holy Name
Te Tahua Whakatinana Papakāinga Lottery Community
Te Tahua Taiao Ngā Taonga Lottery Environment and Heritage
The Selwyn Foundation
St John’s College Trust Board