The Healthy Church Model captures our vision for our life and work together, both as a diocese and at the local church level.
Our aim is to build church communities that flourish, demonstrating the qualities expressed in these verses:
“The gifts God gave were that some would be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, some pastors and teachers, to equip the saints for the work of ministry, for building up the body of Christ, until all of us come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.” (Ephesians 4:11-13)
The Healthy Church Model provides a framework that helps congregations celebrate their strengths, identify areas for improvement and create space for creative new initiatives. The four dimensions are not meant to be clinically defined categories of activities; instead, they often overlap. Our ability to hold these things together is a measure of the health of our relationships – with God, with each other, and with the world around us.
A community where prayerful worship helps people connect with God through Christ.
Relationship with God through Christ is the foundation of all that we are and do as the people of God. Our communal and individual life of worship and prayer expresses and nurtures this belief.
Worship is foundational to our mission. At both diocesan and local church level, we actively seek the Holy Spirit’s direction and empowerment for daily life and ministry.
We recognise that our expressions of worship need to appeal to all generations and be relevant to the cultures and contexts in which we live.
Creating a loving community where members enjoy genuine and caring relationships with each other and manage their resources well.
We are called into community with each other as the household of God. As in any household, we need to manage our resources, nurture our relationships and care for one another.
Individual churches are encouraged to practise inclusive hospitality and promote members’ active participation in congregational life. At a diocesan level, we seek opportunities to learn from one another and act together in common ministry and witness.
As a diocese we are also responsible for managing our property portfolio – making sure our buildings meet statutory requirements and are fit for the ministry and purpose of their resident communities.
A community where individuals are developing in their faith and using their gifts for the good of all.
Being a disciple of Christ is a journey of growth and development. Growing in Christ requires individual commitment as well as a supportive and collaborative environment in which to discover and offer our gifts to the community.
Leaders need to be trained and empowered for ministry and supported to develop their skills and resilience in an ongoing way.
A community which makes generous and positive contributions in word and deed in the wider world.
Being the Church means living beyond our own concerns. We are called to bear witness to our faith and serve the communities around us, actively expressing the love of Christ through generosity and service to those in need.
This love for our neighbour is expressed in multiple ways – providing companionship for older people; supporting new parents; becoming a companion for the grieving; or advocating for social justice and climate change action.