Education, Formation and Training

“… coming to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.”

“… coming to maturity, to the measure of the full stature of Christ.”

We are all on a journey of being formed and equipped as followers of Christ. The aim of all Christian formation and education is to equip Christ’s people for works of service, build up the community of faith, foster knowledge and belief, and encourage all believers to reach maturity. There are many opportunities in the diocese that enable and empower people to exercise their God-given gifts and talents to serve their communities.

Occasional workshops and seminars are available as well as regular training opportunities and formal courses of study.

Education & training opportunities

Theological study

Find out about courses at Otago University, Carey Baptist College, Trinity Methodist College and Laidlaw College. St John’s Theological College offers free study options for non-residential students who are members of the Anglican Church, either through its Regional Programme of on-site classes or via the online FlexiLearn option.

Diocesan Ministry Conference

This is an annual gathering of ordained and lay leaders across the diocese, with invited or local speakers on a theme.

Boundaries for Ministry workshops

These workshops offer guidelines for appropriate relationships in ministry and ways to keep leaders and those they interact with safe from abuse of power. Anyone in a pastoral role is required to take this workshop every three years.

Suicide awareness training

A course that gives clergy and lay leaders an understanding of suicide prevention and the skills to recognise and support those at risk of suicide.

Collaborative Ministry Training course

This annual training course takes place over several days and serves as professional development for lay and ordained members of the Church. Recently the course has focused on the three-tikanga nature of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia / Te Hāhi Mihinare ki Aotearoa ki Niu Tīreni, ki Ngā Moutere o Te Moana-Nui-a-Kiwa, emphasising a collaborative approach to ministry.


Stratum is an eight-month formation programme for people in Anglican lay ministry. Participants are encouraged to deepen their understanding of themselves in relation to God and others.

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Upcoming courses