We’re excited to report that the diocese has just joined the New Zealand Eco-Church Project with A Rocha Aotearoa NZ as a denominational partner. We are looking forward to partnering with A Rocha to support local churches and ministry units to actively care for God’s earth as an integral part of our mission.

A Rocha is an international movement of local Christian conservation and environmental organisations operating in 20 countries around the world. A Rocha works in the areas of environmental science and research, practical nature conservation, environmental education, creation care and advocacy through a variety of programmes and initiatives. A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand first began in 2005 and has engaged in a number of conservation, environmental education and advocacy projects.
The Eco Church NZ project is the latest initiative in an effort to bring together churches on the journey of becoming better caretakers of God’s good creation. There is a strong alignment between this project and our Auckland Anglican Response to the Climate Crisis (AARCC) framework.
Within this network, there is the opportunity for sharing resources and stories, and getting involved with practical actions and programmes such as Zero Waste Church.
Anglican churches can sign-up as an Eco Church NZ and access the tools, resources and programmes available through this network. https://www.ecochurch.org.nz/get-involved
The A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand team will be at the Sustainability Champions Workshop on Saturday 6 March at St George’s Epsom to share about the Zero Waste Church programme.
Tags: news, sustainability