How do you continue supporting parents of young babies when the country is in lockdown?

That was the dilemma facing coordinators of 17 groups for new parents in six ministry units throughout the diocese. Space for you and your baby promotes children’s wellbeing and creates opportunities for families to connect with others in their local community.
So, like everyone else who can’t meet face to face at this time, they went online. Thanks to Zoom, first-time parents have been able to continue sharing information about child development, chat with others about the challenges of being in lockdown with a new baby, and share ideas on how to keep older, more active babies busy.
Diocesan Space Programme Coordinator, Carolyn Wellm, said the groups have worked hard to make their weekly sessions fun and interactive, despite everyone being in their own home.
“We have used homemade musical instruments to accompany our music time, we have demonstrated simple craft activities and we have read books just as we would have done in our pre-lockdown days,” she said.
The feedback about the new way of meeting by ‘Zooming into Space’ has been very positive:
“In this time of isolation, it is lovely to see familiar faces and the growing babies even if online. It lifts my mood each week. It’s been easy to attend, and I can fit whatever we’re doing at the time in as we’re at home.”
“I love the weekly connection, in a challenging time, with supportive people. It gives some structure in the chaos; continuing learning is a good distraction from lockdown monotony.”
“Connecting with people during isolation has been great as has keeping the routine of Space. I have enjoyed continuing to learn valuable ideas about parenting and child development.”
If you know someone who has had a baby recently and would like to join one of the Anglican Space groups please contact Carolyn Wellm at or 022 657 5851.
Storytime online as parents and babies now Zoom into Space.
Note: Photo above is a stock image.
Tags: children