Complaints Procedure

No form of abuse, harassment, bullying and discrimination is tolerated in the Auckland Diocese.

If you have experienced these behaviours yourself, or seen them happening to someone else, you have a right to speak out and be heard. Your complaints and concerns will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.

You have several options if you want to make a complaint. You are entitled to have a support person with you when you make any of these approaches.

Contact someone you trust

Talk to someone you trust such as a colleague, friend, family member, your doctor or medical specialist or other support person. If you are a clergyperson, talk to your supervisor or spiritual director, or your immediate manager, team leader or clergyperson (where appropriate).

Contact our Complaints Management Provider

Phone 0800 627 021  Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm

A trained support person will respond and discuss your situation with you confidentially. If you call out of hours you will be asked to leave your contact details and a brief message, and a trained support person will contact you as soon as possible. Alternatively, you can email 

This free, confidential service is available to all – clergy or lay, including employees, volunteers, contractors, suppliers, parishioners and visitors.

The Ripples Project is an independent complaints management provider. A Ripples Project team member will guide you through the process of reporting a complaint or concern about anyone associated with the diocese.

Follow these links for a copy of the diocesan anti-abuse and harassment poster or anti-bullying, harassment and discrimination policy and flowchart.

Contact the Ministry Standards Commission

No form of harassment or abuse is acceptable to the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia and they will take all complaints seriously. All office holders of the Anglican Church are expected to uphold the highest standards of ethical behaviour and there are disciplinary processes in place if they fail to do so. The Anglican Church has established a Ministry Standards Commission to deal with complaints. All complaints about any alleged misbehaviour by an ordained minister, licensed person, or office holder are now received and handled by the Registrar of the Ministry Standards Commission, who can be confidentially contacted on 0800 004 031 (messages checked daily by the independent Registrar) or .

More information can be found on the Commission’s website

Contact the Anglican Trust for Women and Children

The Anglican Trust for Women and Children (ATWC) has a separate process to address any harm that has been experienced in the past. ATWC is committed to listening carefully, apologising sincerely, and supporting recovery and healing. Please see the ATWC website and complaints process.

Contact a statutory body

You may be able to make a complaint under relevant legislation, for example:

Human Rights Act 1993 – contact the Human Rights Commission

Employment Relations Act 2000 – contact the Employment Relations Authority

Need help and support now?

Please reach out for help if you need support right now. Talk with someone you trust, see a doctor or counsellor, or take one of these options.

Free call or text 1737 any time

Call or text 1737 for free to speak with a trained counsellor or peer support worker. This mental health helpline service is free and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Call the police

If you have experienced a criminal action against you or someone else, please contact the police as soon as possible.
Phone 111 if you are in immediate danger or an assault has just happened. Otherwise, phone 105 or go online to


Royal Commission

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care looked into what happened to children, young people and vulnerable adults in state and faith-based care between 1950 and 1999. Their final report was presented to Parliament on 24 July 2024. The report can be found on the Royal Commission website here. To find out what support services are available, visit their website here.

The Archbishops of the Anglican Church in Aotearoa, New Zealand and Polynesia made a statement responding to the release of the report from the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. It can be read here.