In response to a motion from the 2019 Synod, the social justice and environmental groups collaborated to produce a diocesan framework for climate action known as the Auckland Anglican Response to the Climate Crisis (AARCC). This is based around four areas:
The Sustainability Fieldworker regularly engages sustainability champions, ADJust and the Social Justice Group to take action in each of these four areas, both at the diocesan and parish level.
In 2020, our diocese became a denominational partner with A Rocha Aotearoa New Zealand’s ecumenical Eco Church NZ project, joining a network of churches across Aotearoa which seek to become better caretakers of creation. Churches are invited to join the Eco Church journey to access programmes such as Zero Waste Church.
In 2022, the Care of Creation – Urban Ngāhere motion was passed to encourage parishes to explore ways in which land under their stewardship could be used to enhance native biodiversity. A practical resource booklet called Flourishing Life on Church Land is now available to support parishes in the care of church grounds and historical cemeteries with ecological considerations. See below for resource.
Annual workshops for sustainability champions are available for those wanting take climate action with their parish, build their practical knowledge of sustainability and meet other like-minded people across the diocese.
To find out more about what is happening in the diocese and how to get involved, contact:
Sustainability Fieldworker: Cathy Bi-Riley
Members of the Episcopal Team planting trees at Matuku Link, Bethells Beach in May 2021.
Green Church Enews: to sign up for this quarterly newsletter, please email the Sustainability Fieldworker.