The diocesan Health and Safety Working Group (HSWG) has been set up to promote a culture of safety and wellbeing across the diocese. The HSWG has developed tools and guidelines for our parishes to use and follow.
To contact the HSWG or if you have any health and safety questions or concerns, email
Incident reporting is a significant part of H&S management. If an incident or accident happens at your parish, no matter to whom and regardless of whether it is “work-related” or not, it needs to be reported.
The Diocesan Health and Safety Working Group is continually developing resources to support parishes with management of their own health and safety.
No form of abuse, harassment, bullying and discrimination is tolerated in the Auckland Diocese. If you have experienced abuse or harassment yourself, or seen it happening to someone else, you have a right to speak out and be heard. Your complaints and concerns will be taken seriously and handled confidentially.