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The Anglican magazine – out now!

The Anglican magazine is published three times a year and the December 2023 edition is out now. More >>

Disability Ministry Resources – International Day of Persons with Disabilities

Sunday 3 December 2023 was the International Day of People with Disabilities and the national Disability Ministry Educators have produced some resources. More >>

Diocesan Ministry Hubs – 2024 dates out now

The quarterly diocesan Ministry Hubs are designed to offer training and a strong peer community for lay leaders in the diocese. More >>

Diocesan Ordinations 2023

Congratulations to those who were ordained deacon and priest at the diocesan ordinations on Saturday 26 November 2023. More >>

Flourishing Life on Church Land

Flourishing Life on Church Land, a practical guide to support ministry units in the care of church grounds and historical cemeteries with ecological considerations is available now. More >>

Accessible and Inclusive Churches

This year the Disability Ministry Education Unit will be sending out information packages regularly on how faith communities can become more accessible and inclusive. More >>

Anglican leaders to be questioned in abuse in care public hearing

Bishop Ross Bay will appear for the Anglican Diocese of Auckland next week during the final public hearing by the Royal Commission of Inquiry into Abuse in Care. More >>

Deposition of Ross Browne

1 September 2022 Bishop Ross Bay has issued the following statement: I write to advise you that I have imposed the Outcome of Deposition on former priest, Ross Browne. More >>

We’re now an Eco Church!

We’re excited to report that the diocese has just joined the New Zealand Eco-Church Project with A Rocha Aotearoa NZ as a denominational partner. More >>